Legal Information
Research Center for Alpine Ecosystems (CREA Mont-Blanc)
CREA Mont-Blanc is a non-profit organization (Association Loi 1901) based at the following address:
L’Observatoire du Mont-Blanc
67 lacets du Belvédère
74400 Chamonix Mont-Blanc
CREA Mont-Blanc is a fully independent organization, without affiliation to any groups of any kind, including industrial, ideological, political or religious.
N° SIRET : 410 162 663 00026
Scientific Volunteer trips: Immatriculation n° IM094120001 de la Chambre des associations (CDA), 94100 Saint-Maur-des-Fossés
Publication manager: Anne Delestrade
Site editors: Charlotte Mader, Irene Alvarez, Anne Delestrade, Hillary Gerardi
Technical Site Design
- Orange Applications for Business (mécénat de compétence)
- Devoteam Revolve (mécénat de compétence)
- Natural solutions
Graphic Design
CREA Mont-Blanc’s website is hosted by Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL (AWS Europe) 38 AV JOHN F KENNEDY L 1855 99137 LUXEMBOURG
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All texts, maps, databases, inventories, graphics and images are produced by CREA Mont-Blanc or by one of CREA Mont- Blanc’s scientific collaborators who have explicitly or implicitly given CREA Mont Blanc permission to use them.
In accordance with Article L.111-1 of French Intellectual Property Law, any reproduction, modification, retransmission or republication of all or part of any element of the CREA Mont-Blanc website (text, illustrations, maps, graphics, etc.) in any form or by any means without prior written permission of CREA Mont-Blanc (contact) is punishable by law, with the following exceptions only:
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CREA Mont-Blanc reserves the right to seek legal action against any violation of the presented conditions within copyright and intellectual property law. In the event of legal action, the terms and conditions published on the site at the time of the violation will be applicable. Website users accept that any legal action will take place within the French legal system.
Image documentation
CREA Mont-Blanc was unable to identify the copyright owners of some of the images published on the website. Please contact the website manager (contact) to provide any copyright information.
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